SUNDAYS: Holy Communion is held on Sundays at 10.30am. The Sunday Eucharist uses the revised 2022 Scottish Liturgy with the recommended Seasonal Eucharistic prayers. Members of the congregation help with bell ringing, welcoming people and reading during services.
Communion is offered in both kinds at the altar rail, standing or kneeling. Given our relatively small numbers, it is possible for individuals and household groups to keep a respectful distance from each other. Each communicant can decide whether to receive the host only or consume the host and partake of the chalice. And if anyone would prefer just to receive a blessing they are welcome to come forward. If you require Communion to be brought to you, or a gluten-free wafer, please tell us when you arrive.
We have an enthusiastic and committed organist and recordings are played on the Wyvern Sonata electronic organ should he be absent.
If you know of anyone who is housebound and would like Communion brought to them at home, please let us know (see Contacts).
MIDWEEK: the church is open on Tuesdays from 10-12 and Thursdays from 2-4pm, for visitors and/or private prayer and reflection. Look out for the ‘church is open’ sign displayed on the road.
THURSDAY EVENING PRAYERS ON ZOOM: In line with our vision to broaden the accessibility of our worship provision, we are also offering a weekly time of online evening prayers shared with our sister church, All Saints’ Challoch. Every Thursday, prayers will start at 7.30pm and last around 20 minutes. We hope this will be another way for people to join with our church families to worship and pray together. The Zoom link will be the same each week:
St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow offers online services; please go to