Weekly services
St Margaret's is open for communal worship every Sunday at 10.30am, with refreshments offered afterwards. Visitors are always welcome.
Communion in both kinds is offered at the altar rail, standing or kneeling. Each communicant can decide whether to receive the host only or consume the host and partake of the chalice. Please tell us on arrival if you require a gluten-free wafer. And as always, anyone who would prefer just to receive a blessing is welcome to come forward.
FAMILY FOREST CHURCH - Sunday 15th September, 1-3pm: join us for the inaugural gathering of Forest Church in and around St Margaret's Church. We will be using themes around the beauty of our world, and the joy of living in such stunning surroundings to inspire us to be reflective and creative with crafts, reflections and food (soup and a roll). Everyone of all ages is welcome to join us and see what it's all about. The plan is to hold these afternoons on the third Sunday of each month - the next gathering will be Sunday 20th October.
HARVEST FESTIVAL - Sunday 22nd September, 10.30am. Join us for our service as we celebrate God's loving goodness in the world, and give thanks for the abundance of his provision for us. Living in a predominantly rural area, the rhythm of the seasons and farming life are especially important to us. Donations of tinned/long-life foods, toiletries and household products will be donated to local Foodbanks and Community Cupboards.
St Margaret's Guild are hosting an Ecumenical Harvest Lunch in New Galloway Town Hall following the service; tickets are available from Christine Rankin.
MIDWEEK: the church will be open on Tuesday mornings (10-12) and Thursday afternoons (2-4pm) for visitors and/or private prayer; look out for the 'church is open' sign displayed on the road.
THURSDAY EVENING PRAYERS ON ZOOM: evening prayers via zoom shared with our sister church, All Saints' Challoch. The prayers will start at 7.30pm and last for approximately 20 minutes. The Zoom link will be the same each week and can be found under Services.
Weekly services
St Margaret's is open for communal worship every Sunday at 10.30am, with refreshments offered afterwards. Visitors are always welcome.
Communion in both kinds is offered at the altar rail, standing or kneeling. Each communicant can decide whether to receive the host only or consume the host and partake of the chalice. Please tell us on arrival if you require a gluten-free wafer. And as always, anyone who would prefer just to receive a blessing is welcome to come forward.
FAMILY FOREST CHURCH - Sunday 15th September, 1-3pm: join us for the inaugural gathering of Forest Church in and around St Margaret's Church. We will be using themes around the beauty of our world, and the joy of living in such stunning surroundings to inspire us to be reflective and creative with crafts, reflections and food (soup and a roll). Everyone of all ages is welcome to join us and see what it's all about. The plan is to hold these afternoons on the third Sunday of each month - the next gathering will be Sunday 20th October.
HARVEST FESTIVAL - Sunday 22nd September, 10.30am. Join us for our service as we celebrate God's loving goodness in the world, and give thanks for the abundance of his provision for us. Living in a predominantly rural area, the rhythm of the seasons and farming life are especially important to us. Donations of tinned/long-life foods, toiletries and household products will be donated to local Foodbanks and Community Cupboards.
St Margaret's Guild are hosting an Ecumenical Harvest Lunch in New Galloway Town Hall following the service; tickets are available from Christine Rankin.
MIDWEEK: the church will be open on Tuesday mornings (10-12) and Thursday afternoons (2-4pm) for visitors and/or private prayer; look out for the 'church is open' sign displayed on the road.
THURSDAY EVENING PRAYERS ON ZOOM: evening prayers via zoom shared with our sister church, All Saints' Challoch. The prayers will start at 7.30pm and last for approximately 20 minutes. The Zoom link will be the same each week and can be found under Services.